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Welcome to my blog! Who am I and what is it about? I have recently completed a PhD in physical geography with a background in Quaternary Palynology and geochemical techniques – basically looking at climate and environment change. I am interested in how our environment has changed over time, and how this is related to climate – and the impacts that climate has on the environment. My research was focused on the environment of Morocco, looking specifically at Atlas Cedar trees in the Middle Atlas. You can read more about this on my publications and about me pages.

So what is this blog about? Throughout my PhD I spent a lot of time analysing data using R – R is a free open-source program for statistical analysis, and can also be used to create good-looking figures and maps. I used R for all of my analysis, creating maps and extracting climate data. R is really easy to use, although may appear daunting for newcomers.

This blog will have a focus on how to use R, with tutorials and guides for performing analysis related to environmental and climate science, which will be updated regularly. Other content will relate more generally to all aspects of environmental science, lab work, and guides for using LaTeX (for thesis writing), and other useful study tips I picked up along the way.

To kick off, I have written an introductory guide to using R, explaining the basics. Future guides will move on to more advanced topics, such as performing climate interpolation, but for now, if you have never used R, then check out my first guide to get started!

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