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Getting started with R

Ever wanted to try R, but wasn't sure where to start? Or perhaps you are unsure of what R is and what it can do?

New for 2021, I have completely rewritten, revised and greatly expanded my introduction to R guide. Additionally, I have added additional guides for importing data into R, and to give an overview of R graphics and creating plots (see below).

The introduction guide is now much more comprehensive, and includes everything you need to get started with R! Check them out:

Part 1: Introduction to R An introduction to R - what is R, where to get R, how to get started using R, a look at objects and functions, an overview of data structures, and getting started with manipulating data.
Part 2: Importing data into R This guide shows you how to import your existing data into R from .csv or Excel files.
Part 3: An overview of graphics in R This guide gives you an overview of some of the graphical capabilities of base R to produce high quality plots.

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